Target ON-Pumping
- Check that the HT hours from ASTEC power supply in HV room and the number
of protons from the LINUX Proton integrator was noted down in the log book for
the last run
- Check that the old log-file was saved with the log book
- Start a new log-file and reset the proton integrator
- Set the extraction electrode distance in the PLC (0-60 mm)
- Make sure the target spec sheet is available on-line and as paper printout
in the control room
- Heat, set-up target and make stable beam
- Check that the required mass marker is connected
- Check transmission to tape station with low and high masses to see if
there is an unusually strong horizontal or vertical mass steering
- For plasma ion sources:
- Make sure the right gas mixture is used and check
the ionization efficiency
- Check the 2+/1+
ratio and note down the values in the log book
- For UCx targets with a surface ionizer:
- Check that there is a reasonable 238U+
beam, else target and/or line are too cold
- For a RILIS run:
- Make sure the electrode is aligned (old front ends)
before making stable beam
- Do a mass scan and save the mass scan with the log book. For the HRS
either do a small region around the region of interest or (if needed) go to
"Fast magnet control" and do a full mass scan.
Stable beam for the Users
- Check that the tape station is rewound
- Check the type of proton beam needed for the target (focused, standard,
staggered, energy etc.)
- Proton beam scan
- Make a release curve on a suitable isotope for a couple of settings for
the target heating to check for possible gains/losses
- Make a yield estimate for the isotope requested
Experiment done-target cooled
Note down in the log book the HT hours from ASTEC power supply in HV room
and the number of protons from the Proton integrator
- Save the old log-file with the log book
- Check the target and line voltage evolution, vacuum evolution (especially
after target cooled) and ion source parameters. Signal any abnormalities to
the target section responsible and note it down in the log-book. Alos note
down the general evolution of yields over the run (e.g. 50% of original yield
after XX hours of running).